See above link for a few quick facts re: Queensbridge houses in LIC

See above link for 2021 NY Times videos and picture of Queensbridge

This is projected image of Amazon H2Q’s Crystal City, VA office park. It’s on track to open in 2025.

Below is the 2017 rendering of Amazon H2Q Long Island City’s office park. This one was never opened, as Amazon pulled out of its deal with New York to focus solely on the Crystal City location.

Applied Digital Sociology and Graduate Social Research Program Learning Objectives

Learning Objectives (for the program):

•      •        explain the social and political context of how data it is generated and why this matters for research;

•      •        construct a viable research question;

•      •        design an evaluation study;

•      •        produce a step-by-step research or evaluation work plan that is feasible given time and resource constraints, using the GANTT chart or similar planning method;

•      •        collect data from a variety of sources, using both digital and analog methods;

•      •        analyze the data using the most appropriate methods and tools available;

•      •        interpret the results of the analysis;

•      •        write clearly and analytically;

•      •        demonstrate a working knowledge of basic steps to protect digital privacy and evade digital surveillance mechanisms;

•      •        create a digital portfolio of their work in the program, including the internship and how this work demonstrates the student’s proficiency in each learning objective listed above.


STEM education